Currently the president of Huamei International LLC and Transworld Business Advisors of Kansas City. One of the lines of businesses we offer to our business customers and investors are as follows:
We assist business owners in the confidential sale of their business and/or growth through franchising. Through the process, I assist entrepreneurs with finding great opportunities of business ownership by buying existing businesses or franchises. Transworld Business Advisors has more than 100 offices in the nation and around the globe. We have assisted thousands of owners with the sale of their business. Every year, 25% of businesses change ownership due to various reasons: retirement, relocation, family illness, etc.
We also assist international investors and business owners to set up their business entity in US, including but not limited to company formation, account setup and management, financial and accounting services, loan assessment and recommendations.
Jun has accumulated extensive business experiences and knowledge from his business tenure in the past 30 years. Jun has worked in a variety of industries, such as investment services, telecommunication industries, real estate development, import and export businesses, and educational organizations.
Jun is here to provide you a complete package of services if you aim to migrate to US, Canada, and UK through investment in businesses.